Tuesday 29 March 2011

2 Mega Tips to Lose Weight Fast - These Tips Will Change Your Life & Body in Just a Few Weeks!

Does it seem like no matter how many diets you go on or how many diet pills you take, you just can't seem to get the body you've been wanting? Okay, take a couple of minutes out of your tiring day and read on to discover 2 HUGE tips to lose weight fast that has worked extremely well for me to finally get the body I've been dreaming of!

1. 2 Super Foods - To effectively drop pounds and fat, you MUST get ALL nutrients each day. Please don't become another victim of the fad diet industry! Fad diets (low carb, low fat, low calorie, etc.) are very unnatural and will only reduce your metabolism!

With that said, besides getting all important nutrients in your diet, there are 2 key nutrients that specifically trigger fat loss and weight loss. Those two nutrients are protein and fiber! Protein burns fat, fills you up, and will build lean muscle. Fiber detoxifies your body, keeps you full, and increases the metabolism. Foods I recommend with protein are chicken/turkey breast, egg whites, and whey protein shakes. For fiber, I recommend whole grains, beans, and Fiber One bars (which are VERY delicious by the way)!

2. 2 Super Drinks - Besides drinking plenty of water (I recommend 1/2 your body weight) to ensure you'll lose weight fast, there are 2 other drinks I recommend you get.

Firstly, I recommend you get at least 2 cups of green tea each day. Green tea has plenty of antioxidants to help with getting healthier and speeding up the metabolism.

Secondly, I recommend apple cider vinegar (or ACV). Now, ACV is pretty nasty... and VERY strong, HOWEVER, the health benefits is long enough to fit into a set of encyclopedias! ACV will help you with staying full, detoxifying, and so much more! I recommend for you to get at least 3 tablespoons in 8 ounces of water 3 times daily (preferably right before meals). Also, be sure to get the organic kind that contains the "mother" (a substance inside of ACV which has all the primary health benefits).

Bottom line, in order to FINALLY get the body of your dreams, I recommend you follow those 2 tips above, get on a program that is based on proper nutrition and increasing your metabolism, and you'll get incredible results faster, easier, and 100% naturally! This all has worked unbelievably well for me, and I'm certain it will work just as well for you also!


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