Friday 25 March 2011

Get Your Customers To Buy By Pressing The Right Emotional Buttons

Strategy and emotions - Pressing the right emotional buttons to get your visitors to purchase. First we need to learn what kinds of visitors come to our sites. What kind of people are they, and what kinds of emotions compel them to buy? Does keeping up with the "Jones" motivate them? Do they have a family or children? Are they older and planning for retirement? Are they more motivated by competitive price or quality of merchandise? Do they prefer ease of use or features, what benefits are they looking for?

The answers to all these questions can be and should be simplified down into basic emotional needs. Take for instance a person who is looking for ways to generate more income because of the financial needs of college tuition and a nest egg to pass onto their children. Now combine that person with a website that could help them cater to these needs, and help them to accomplish their goal. Think about the feelings that could be generated to compel this person to buy. Think about the feelings and reasoning this person has for the goal they are trying to achieve.

Doesn't every parent want their children to have it better than they did? What can a webmaster/website designer do to convey feeling in this instance? To begin with let's start with painting a picture. Stories are good at that. Using words to paint a picture for them about what our services can offer, and how those services can benefit their children with financial stability. Then we can choose pictures that convey the same kinds of feelings that our text did. For instance, maybe a image where the child is young, and then the same picture where the child is older and standing in front of a college or university. We could also use a picture of a new car to imply the financial stability and wealth to own such high-ticket items directly resulting from purchasing our products/services.

These are just some examples. Keep in mind that we need to keep the trust in tact. Do not make offers that cannot be delivered upon. Done correctly, you can see how compelling such a site could be. Of course, there are other factors that come into play. People like to work with reputable companies. People also look for organisations that are going to be around for a while. They fear making a purchase and then being left alone without anyone to turn to for technical information or repairs. Again, all of this boils down to feelings and basic emotional needs. Knowing which buttons to push will help develop websites that not only draw visitors back, but also compel them to buy, or click through affiliate programs.

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I am a social media marketing professional and Managing Director of Panther Interactive Marketing a social media marketing agency. Panther was founded in 1994 & has clients across the UK, with a focus in the midlands - Nottingham, Derby, Leicester & London areas. Panther Interactive Marketing specialises in social media, social media marketing and social media networking as well as more traditional marketing methods. We help clients blend their social media into their overall marketing mix. Panther's team help businesses grow in the UK and internationally with measurable ROI.

We offer social media courses and training to businesses from large multinationals to small home based businesses. We also have a wide range of packaged and bespoke social media services that we offer at very competitive rates.


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