Monday 21 March 2011

Ingrown Facial Hair Removal

It is a fairly common occurrence to have ingrown facial hairs. They can be caused by waxing, shaving, tweezing, or plucking. They can be painful and very unsightly because they are on your face, and therefore visible to everyone. The main characteristics of an ingrown facial hair are that the hair has been cut below the skin, and as it is growing, instead of growing old through the shaft and out of the hair follicle as it is supposed to do, it grows into the side of the hair follicle and into the skin. This can be very painful. It can also cause swelling and can cause the area to become infected and filled with pus.

There are several ways that you can treat ingrown facial hair. These methods range from do-it-yourself treatments that you can perform at home involving using a damp cloth to bring the hair to the surface and then you can use tweezers to extract the hair. Or you can visit your physician for medication or physical treatment. A better solution would be to visit a dermatologist. This way you can avail of a variety of treatments for ingrown facial hair.

One of these treatments consists of using lasers to target the hairs that have been broken off deeply underneath the skin. This normally happens when the hairs have been waxed, tweezed, or plucked. These methods of hair removal can cause the hair to be broken off deep within the follicle shaft. When this happens, the broken hair is given ample opportunity to pierce the side of the follicle and cause ingrown facial hair and its associated problems. This normally happens more often with curly hair. The only color hair that cannot be treated by laser removal is white hair.


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